Single Droplet Tracking in Jet Flow

Conference PapersBook Chapters
G. Alcan, M. Ghorbani, A. Kosar, M. Unel
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2016), Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, July 13-15, 2016
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9730, Pages 415-422
Publication date: July, 2016


Fluid systems such as the multiphase flow and the jet flow usually involve droplets and/or bubbles whose morphological properties can provide important clues about the underlying phenomena. In this paper, we develop a new visual tracking method to track the evolution of single droplets in the jet flow. Shape and motion features of the detected droplets are fused and Bhattacharyya distance is employed to find the closest droplet among possible candidates in consecutive frames. Shapes of the droplets are not assumed to be circles or ellipses during segmentation process, which utilizes morphological operations and thresholding. The evolution of single droplets in the jet flow were monitored via Particle Shadow Sizing (PSS) technique where they were tracked with 86 % average accuracy and 15 fps real-time performance.


  • Jet flow 
  • Droplet 
  • Bubble 
  • Morphology 
  • Segmentation 
  • Tracking 
  • Bhattacharyya distance 


  title={Single droplet tracking in jet flow},
  author={Alcan, Gokhan and Ghorbani, Morteza and Kosar, A and Unel, M},
  booktitle={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},


Visualization and Image Processing of Spray Structure Under the Effect of Cavitation Phenomenon

Journal ArticlesConference Papers
M. Ghorbani, G. Alcan, D. Yilmaz, M. Unel, A. Kosar
9th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV 2015), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 6-10, 2015
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 656, Article Number: 012115
Publication date: December, 2015


This paper presents visualization and image processing of spray structure affected by cavitation bubbles and cavitating flow patterns. Experiments were conducted for a better understanding of cavitation and resulting flow regimes. Cavitation is generated with sudden pressure drop across a 4.5 mm long short micro-channel with an inner diameter of 152 μm connected to the setup using proper fittings. Generated cavitation bubbles and fluid flow patterns were observed by using a high speed camera. The spray structure was observed in four different segments and mainly the droplet evaluation in the lower segments for low upstream pressures was analyzed using several image processing techniques including contrast adjustments and morphological operators. Moreover, fluid flow regimes for different upstream pressures were investigated, and the flow patterns were analyzed in the separated regions of the spray.


  title={Visualization and image processing of spray structure under the effect of cavitation phenomenon},
  author={Ghorbani, Morteza and Alcan, Gokhan and Yilmaz, D and Unel, M and Kosar, A},
  booktitle={Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
  organization={IOP Publishing}

Vision Based Cone Angle Estimation of Bubbly Cavitating Flow and Analysis of Scattered Bubbles Using Micro Imaging Techniques

Conference Papers
G. Alcan, M. Ghorbani, A. Kosar, M. Unel
41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, November 9-12, 2015
Publication date: November, 2015


Hydrodynamic cavitation is an effective and alternative treatment method in various biomedical applications such as kidney stone erosion, ablation of benign prostatic hyperplasia tissues and annihilation of detrimental cells. In order to effectively position the orifice of bubbly cavitating flow generator towards the target and control the destructive cavitation effect, cone angle of multi-phase bubbly flow and distributions of scattered bubble swarms around main flow must be determined. This paper presents two vision based solutions to determine these quantities. 3D Gaussian modeling of multi-phase flow and edge slopes of cross-section are used to estimate the cone angle in a Kalman filter framework. Scattered bubble swarm distributions around main flow were assumed as a normal distribution and analyzed with the help of covariance matrix of the bubble position data. Hydrodynamical cavitating bubbles were generated from 0.45 cm long micro probe with 152μm inner diameter under 10 to 120 bars pressures and monitored via Particle Shadow Sizing technique. Proposed methods enabled to quantize the increasing inlet pressure effect on bubbly cavitating multi-phase flow.


  title={Vision based cone angle estimation of bubbly cavitating flow and analysis of scattered bubbles using micro imaging techniques},
  author={Alcan, Gokhan and Ghorbani, Morteza and Kosar, Ali and Unel, Mustafa},
  booktitle={IECON 2015-41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society},