Estimating Soot Emission in Diesel Engines Using Gated Recurrent Unit Networks

Journal ArticlesConference Papers
G. Alcan, E. Yilmaz, M. Unel, V. Aran, M. Yilmaz, C. Gurel, K. Koprubasi
9th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control (AAC 2019) Orléans, France, June 23-27, 2019
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 52, Issue 5, Pages 544-549
Publication date: September, 2019


In this paper, a new data-driven modeling of a diesel engine soot emission formation using gated recurrent unit (GRU) networks is proposed. Different from the traditional time series prediction methods such as nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) approach, GRU structure does not require the determination of the pure time delay between the inputs and the output, and the number of regressors does not have to be chosen beforehand. Gates in a GRU network enable to capture such dependencies on the past input values without any prior knowledge. As a design of experiment, 30 different points in engine speed – injected fuel quantity plane are determined and the rest of the input channels, i.e., rail pressure, main start of injection, equivalence ratio, and intake oxygen concentration are excited with chirp signals in the intended regions of operation. Experimental results show that the prediction performances of GRU based soot models are quite satisfactory with 77% training and 57% validation fit accuracies and normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) values are less than 0.038 and 0.069, respectively. GRU soot models surpass the traditional NARX based soot models in both steady-state and transient cycles.


  • Diesel Engine
  • Combustion Process
  • Soot Emission
  • Experiment Design
  • Gated Recurrent Unit


  title={Estimating Soot Emission in Diesel Engines Using Gated Recurrent Unit Network},
  author={Alcan, Gokhan and Yilmaz, Emre and Unel, Mustafa and Aran, Volkan and Yilmaz, Metin and Gurel, Cetin and Koprubasi, Kerem},



Driving Behavior Classification Using Long Short Term Memory Networks

Conference Papers
M. E. Mumcuoglu, G. Alcan, M. Unel, O. Cicek, M. Mutluergil, M. Yilmaz, K. Koprubasi
4th International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2019) Torino, Italy, July 2-4, 2019
Publication date: 2019


Researchers in the automotive industry aim to enhance the performance, safety and energy management of intelligent vehicles with driver assistance systems. The performance of such systems can be improved with a better understanding of driving behaviors. In this paper, a driving behavior recognition algorithm is developed with a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Network using driver models of IPG’s TruckMaker. Six driver models are designed based on longitudinal and lateral acceleration limits. The proposed algorithm is trained with driving signals of those drivers controlling a realistic truck model with five different trailer loads on an artificial training road. This training road is designed to cover possible road curves that can be seen in freeways and rural highways. Finally, the algorithm is tested with driving signals that are collected with the same method on a realistic road. Results show that the LSTM structure has a substantial capability to recognize dynamic relations between driving signals even in small time periods.


  • Driver behaviors
  • Classification
  • Intelligent vehicles
  • LSTM networks
  • Acceleration behavior


  title={Driving Behavior Classification Using Long Short Term Memory Networks},
  author={Mumcuoglu, Mehmet Emin and Alcan, Gokhan and Unel, Mustafa and Cicek, Onur and Mutluergil, Mehmet and Yilmaz, Metin and Koprubasi, Kerem},
  booktitle={2019 AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE)},



Predicting NOx Emissions in Diesel Engines via Sigmoid NARX Models Using A New Experiment Design for Combustion Identification

Journal Articles
G. Alcan, M. Unel, V. Aran, M. Yilmaz, C. Gurel, K. Koprubasi
Measurement, Volume 137, Pages 71-81
Publication date: April, 2019


Diesel engines are still widely used in heavy-duty engine industry because of their high energy conversion efficiency. In recent decades, governmental institutions limit the maximum acceptable hazardous emissions of diesel engines by stringent international regulations, which enforces engine manufacturers to find a solution for reducing the emissions while keeping the power requirements. A reliable model of the diesel engine combustion process can be quite useful to search for the best engine operating conditions. In this study, nonlinear modeling of a heavy-duty diesel engine NOx emission formation is presented. As a new experiment design, air-path and fuel-path input channels were excited by chirp signals where the frequency profile of each channel is different in terms of the number and the direction of the sweeps. This method is proposed as an alternative to the steady-state experiment design based modeling approach to substantially reduce testing time and improve modeling accuracy in transient operating conditions. Sigmoid based nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) model is employed to predict NOx emissions with given input set under both steady-state and transient cycles. Models for different values of parameters are generated to analyze the sensitivity to parameter changes and a parameter selection method using an easy-to-interpret map is proposed to find the best modeling parameters. Experimental results show that the steady-state and the transient validation accuracies for the majority of the obtained models are higher than 80% and 70%, respectively.


  • Data-driven modeling of diesel engine NOx emissions using sigmoid NARX model.
  • A new design of experiments which include both chirp and ramp-hold signals.
  • Reduction of testing time and improved modeling accuracy in transient cycle.
  • An easy-to-interpret map as a convenient means for suitable parameter selection.
  • Higher than 80% and 70% steady-state and transient validation accuracies.


  • Diesel engine
  • Combustion process
  • NOx emissions
  • Experiment design
  • Sigmoid NARX model


  title={Predicting NOx emissions in diesel engines via sigmoid NARX models using a new experiment design for combustion identification},
  author={Alcan, Gokhan and Unel, Mustafa and Aran, Volkan and Yilmaz, Metin and Gurel, Cetin and Koprubasi, Kerem},


Diesel Engine NOx Emission Modeling Using a New Experiment Design and Reduced Set of Regressors

Journal ArticlesConference Papers
G. Alcan, M. Unel, V. Aran, M. Yilmaz, C. Gurel, K. Koprubasi
18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2018) Stockholm, Sweden, July 9-11, 2018
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 51, Issue 15, Pages 168-173
Publication date: October, 2018


In this paper, NOx emissions from a diesel engine are modeled with nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) model. Airpath and fuelpath channels are excited by chirp signals where the frequency profile of each channel is generated by increasing the number of sweeps. Past values of the output are employed only in linear prediction with all input regressors, and the most significant input regressors are selected for the nonlinear prediction by orthogonal least square (OLS) algorithm and error reduction ratio. Experimental results show that NOx emissions can be modeled with high validation performance and models obtained using a reduced set of regressors perform better in terms of stability and robustness.


  • Diesel Engine
  • NOx Emission
  • Orthogonal Least Square
  • Regressor Selection
  • Sigmoid NARX


  title={Diesel engine NOx emission modeling using a new experiment design and reduced set of regressors},
  author={Alcan, Gokhan and Unel, Mustafa and Aran, Volkan and Yilmaz, Metin and Gurel, Cetin and Koprubasi, Kerem},


Biomedical Device Prototype Based on Small Scale Hydrodynamic Cavitation

Journal Articles
M. Ghorbani, C. Sozer, G. Alcan, M. Unel, S. Ekici, H. Uvet, A. Kosar
AIP Advances, Volume 8, Issue 3
Publication date: March, 2018


This study presents a biomedical device prototype based on small scale hydrodynamic cavitation. The application of small scale hydrodynamic cavitation and its integration to a biomedical device prototype is offered as an important alternative to other techniques, such as ultrasound therapy, and thus constitutes a local, cheap, and energy-efficient solution, for urinary stone therapy and abnormal tissue ablation (e.g., benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)). The destructive nature of bubbly, cavitating, flows was exploited, and the potential of the prototype was assessed and characterized. Bubbles generated in a small flow restrictive element (micro-orifice) based on hydrodynamic cavitation were utilized for this purpose. The small bubbly, cavitating, flow generator (micro-orifice) was fitted to a small flexible probe, which was actuated with a micromanipulator using fine control. This probe also houses an imaging device for visualization so that the emerging cavitating flow could be locally targeted to the desired spot. In this study, the feasibility of this alternative treatment method and its integration to a device prototype were successfully accomplished.


  title={Biomedical device prototype based on small scale hydrodynamic cavitation},
  author={Ghorbani, Morteza and Sozer, Canberk and Alcan, Gokhan and Unel, Mustafa and Ekici, Sinan and Uvet, Huseyin and Kosar, Ali},
  journal={AIP Advances},
  publisher={AIP Publishing}



Characterization and Pressure Drop Correlation for Sprays under the Effect of Micro Scale Cavitation

Journal Articles
M. Ghorbani, G. Alcan, A. K. Sadaghiani, A. Mohammadi, M. Unel, D. Gozuacik, A. Koşar
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 91, Pages 89-102
Publication date: February, 2018


In this study, spray formation and atomization, droplet evolutions, break-up, and corresponding cavitating flows at the outlet of a short micro-channel with an inner diameter of 152 μm were experimentally studied at different injection pressures with the use of a high speed visualization system. High speed visualization was performed at five different segments to cover a ∼27.5 mm distance beginning from the micro-channel outlet (Five segments, at distances of 0-5.5, 5.5-11, 11-16.5, 16.5-22 and 22-27.5 mm from the micro-channel outlet) to assess the spray formation mechanism. High speed visualization revealed that droplet evolution is initiated from the second segment at low upstream pressures (5-30 bars), whereas droplets are discretized from the liquid jet in the fourth and fifth segments at medium and high upstream pressures (40-100 bars). Bigger size droplets formed at the outlet up to an injection pressure of 30 bars, while cavitation effect of intensified cavitating flows became dominant beyond this injection pressure, leading to smaller droplet sizes and a more conical spray. Pressure drop was correlated together with Martinelli parameter for cavitating flows and a new correlation for two-phase pressure drop was developed. Moreover, in order to segment the discretized droplets at low upstream pressure (5-30 bars) from captured images and to perform an in-depth analysis on them, an active contour approach utilizing curve evolution and level set formulation was implemented. As shown by experimental results, droplets were successfully segmented at different low pressure levels. The droplet/bubble evolution can be exploited in biomedical and engineering applications, where destructive effects of bubbly cavitating flows are needed.


  • Spray formation in different segments starting from the outlet of a short microchannel was studied.
  • An edge-free active contour method was implemented to successfully segment individual droplets.
  • This study helps to visualize the formation of spray and to capture separated droplets in micro scale.
  • A new correlation for predicting two-phase pressure drop was developed.


  • Micro scale cavitation
  • Active contour
  • Segmentation
  • Spray
  • Pressure drop correlation


  title={Characterization and pressure drop correlation for sprays under the effect of micro scale cavitation},
  author={Ghorbani, Morteza and Alcan, Gokhan and Sadaghiani, Abdolali Khalili and Mohammadi, Ali and Unel, Mustafa and Gozuacik, Devrim and Ko{\c{s}}ar, Ali},
  journal={Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science},

Robust Hovering Control of a Quadrotor using Acceleration Feedback

Conference Papers
G. Alcan, M. Unel
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS 2017), Miami, Florida, USA, June 13-16, 2017
Publication date: July, 2017


This paper presents a novel acceleration feedback control method for robust hovering of a quadrotor subject to aerodynamic disturbances. An acceleration based disturbance observer (ABDOB) is designed to reject disturbances acting on the positional dynamics of the quadrotor. In order to provide high stiffness against disturbances acting on the attitude dynamics, a nested position, velocity and inner acceleration feedback control structure that utilizes PID and PI type controllers is developed. To obtain reliable angular acceleration information, a cascaded estimation technique based on an extended Kalman filter (EKF) and a classical Kalman filter (KF) is proposed. EKF estimates the Euler angles and gyro biases by fusing the data from gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer. Compensated gyro data are then fed into a Kalman filter whose process model is derived from Taylor series expansion of angular velocities and accelerations where angular jerks are considered as stochastic inputs. The well-known kinematic relation between Euler angular rates and angular velocities is employed to estimate reliable Euler accelerations. Estimated Euler angles, rates and accelerations are then used as feedback signals in the nested attitude control structure. Performance of the proposed method is assessed by a high fidelity simulation model where uncertainties in the sensor measurements, e.g. sensor bias and noise, are also considered. Developed controllers that utilize estimated acceleration feedback provide extremely robust hovering results when the quadrotor is subject to wind gusts generated by Dryden wind model. Simulation results show that utilization of acceleration feedback in hovering control significantly reduces the deviations in the x-y position of the quadrotor.


  title={Robust hovering control of a quadrotor using acceleration feedback},
  author={Alcan, Gokhan and Unel, Mustafa},
  booktitle={2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)},

Design, Prototyping and Control of a Flexible Cystoscope for Biomedical Applications

Conference Papers
C. Sozer, M. Ghorbani, G. Alcan, H. Uvet, M. Unel, A.Kosar
4th International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics Research (ICMMR 2017), Xi'an, China, June 20-24, 2017
Publication date: June, 2017


Kidney stone and prostate hyperplasia are very common urogenital diseases all over the world. To treat these diseases, one of the ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy), PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy), cystoscopes or open surgery techniques can be used. Cystoscopes named devices are used for in-vivo intervention. A flexible or rigid cystoscope device is inserted into human body and operates on interested area. In this study, a flexible cystoscope prototype has been developed. The prototype is able to bend up to ±40°in X and Y axes, has a hydrodynamic cavitation probe for rounding sharp edges of kidney stone or resection of the filled prostate with hydrodynamic cavitation method and contains a waterproof medical camera to give visual feedback to the operator. The operator steers the flexible end-effector via joystick toward target region. This paper presents design, manufacturing, control and experimental setup of the tendon driven flexible cystoscope prototype. The prototype is 10 mm in outer diameter, 70 mm in flexible part only and 120 mm in total length with flexible part and rigid tube. The experimental results show that the prototype bending mechanism, control system, manufactured prototype parts and experimental setup function properly. A small piece of real kidney stone was broken in targeted area.


  title={Design, prototyping and control of a flexible cystoscope for biomedical applications},
  author={Sozer, Canberk and Ghorbani, Morteza and Alcan, Gokhan and Uvet, Huseyin and Unel, Mustafa and Kosar, Ali},
  booktitle={IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering},
  organization={IOP Publishing}


Visualization of Microscale Cavitating Flow Regimes via Particle Shadow Sizing Imaging and Vision Based Estimation of the Cone Angle

Journal Articles
M. Ghorbani, G. Alcan, M. Unel, D. Gozuacik, S. Ekici, H. Uvet, A. Sabanovic, A. Kosar
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 78, Pages 322–333
Publication date: November, 2016


Recent studies show the destructive effect of the energy released from the collapse of cavitation bubbles, which are generated in micro domains, on the targeted surfaces. The cavitation phenomenon occurs at low local pressures within flow restrictive elements and strongly affects fluid flow regimes inside microchannels which results in spray formation. Extended cavitation bubbles toward the outlet of the microchannel, droplet evolution, and spray breakup are among crucial mechanisms to be considered in spray structure. In this study, various spray structures under the effect of hydrodynamic cavitation were recorded using a high speed visualization system. Acquired images were analyzed and characterized using several image processing algorithms. In this regard, the fluid flow with ascending upstream pressures from 10 to 120 bar were passed through a microchannel with an inner diameter of 0.152 mm. The spray at the outlet of the microchannel was analyzed for these pressures in four different segments. Particle Shadow Sizing (PSS) imaging and several image processing techniques such as contrast stretching, thresholding and morphological operations were employed to identify the flow regimes in the separated segments. In addition, a vision based estimation technique that utilizes a Kalman filter was developed to estimate cone angle of the spray. Furthermore, classification of fluid flow regimes and morphological characteristics of the spray structure were outlined based on the cavitation number.


  • A complete system including generation of microscale cavitating flows was constructed.
  • High speed visualization and novel image based analysis of spray structure were performed.
  • High speed flow characterization and elimination of manual adjustments are the advantages of the proposed system.
  • The fluid flow was classified as discrete droplet flow, liquid jet, jet cavitation, bubbly flow and highly vaporous bubbly flow.
  • Obtained cone angle of multiphase flow was estimated through 3D Gaussian modeling and by employing a Kalman filter.


  • Cavitation
  • Cone angle
  • Kalman filter
  • Microchannel
  • Spray
  • Visualization


  title={Visualization of microscale cavitating flow regimes via particle shadow sizing imaging and vision based estimation of the cone angle},
  author={Ghorbani, Morteza and Alcan, Gokhan and Unel, Mustafa and Gozuacik, Devrim and Ekici, Sinan and Uvet, Huseyin and Sabanovic, Asif and Kosar, Ali},
  journal={Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science},


A New Visual Tracking Method for the Analysis and Characterization of Jet Flow

Journal Articles
G. Alcan, M. Ghorbani, A. Kosar, M. Unel
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Volume 51, Pages 55-67
Publication date: October, 2016


In this paper, we develop a new method to track the evolution of bubbles or droplets in jet flow. Proposed tracker fuses shape and motion features of the individually detected droplets in 2D shadow images and employs the Bhattacharyya distance to assign the closest one among candidate droplet regions. Distinct from the existing droplet tracking techniques in the literature, shapes of the target droplets were not assumed to be circles or ellipses. Instead evolving droplet contours were extracted and analyzed. Proposed tracking algorithm could achieve real time performance with 16 fps in MATLAB environment. Single, double and triple droplets were tracked with the average accuracy of 87%, 87% and 83%, respectively. Experimental results were then evaluated to explain the underlying jet phenomena.


  • A new tracking method based on structural and motion characteristics of droplets.
  • Matching of droplets is performed using Bhattacharyya distance.
  • No circular or elliptical shape assumption during tracking.
  • Successful tracking of single, double and triple droplets.
  • Real-time performance with 87% average tracking accuracy.


  • Jet flow
  • Droplet
  • Bubble
  • Segmentation
  • Tracking
  • Bhattacharyya distance


  title={A new visual tracking method for the analysis and characterization of jet flow},
  author={Alcan, Gokhan and Ghorbani, Morteza and Kosar, Ali and Unel, Mustafa},
  journal={Flow Measurement and Instrumentation},